First of all, happy Easter from the BTP boys! Over the weekend we went out and explored some impressive remains of a Medieval salt-manufacturing site in South Woodham, and a peculiar stranded concrete barge; probably from D-Day, in Fambridge. You can see our articles and photographs of these places below. Whilst on this escapade we decided to try filming a new kind of video; a vlog. Using a GoPro, we gathered footage of the explore which we hope will allow us to provide a more informal ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at what we get up to on our adventures. These vlogs will be quicker to edit, and hence allow us to record footage of far more historic sites thus producing more videos. Whilst the vlogs will still be produced to our usual high standard, our current HD documentaries will continue to be produced on selected locations with the full works of professional-grade filming and editing techniques. As it stands, the HD documentaries can be quite time consuming to produce and are also physically less practical to film ‘on the go’. Therefore, we are only able to produce these feature videos every couple of months and so we hope that by filming vlogs we can produce more-frequent video content for Beyond the Point coming from a different perspective – only of course if they are well received! This will mean we will be producing three types of video for our YouTube channel BeyondthePointTV: Documentaries, Vlogs, & Drone Footage.
Let us know what you think about the vlog and our video content!