Author: Liam Heatherson

By Liam Heatherson

Canvey 2000 Seafront Project

‘Canvey 2000’ was an attempt to rejuvenate Canvey Island’s seafront in 1997, hoping to restore it to reflect some of the glory as a tourist resort, centred around Thorney bay holiday camp and beach, which it had seen from the 1900s up until the 1980s. It saw some success and definitely revitalised the seafront into…

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By Liam Heatherson

The Medieval Dragon

So it’s St. George’s Day 2015, and we all know the tale of the knight in shining armour slaying the dragon to rescue the damsel. Dragons and the Medieval Era are like bread and butter, but of course they aren’t real! That led me to further investigation; what is the historic significance of dragons in…

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By Liam Heatherson

D-Day Landings 70 Years On

June the 6th 1944, shortly after midnight, 24,000 British, US, and Canadian, airborne troops landed in the region of France that the amphibious assault would capture around 6:30 in the morning that day. Allied troops began landed on the 50-mile stretch of perilous beaches of Nazi-occupied Normandy in order to push back the short-lived Nazi…

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By Liam Heatherson

Hydraulic Pump Stores

See the abandoned one in our video at 3.35 which we filmed in 2013 prior to demolition Pump stores for the now c2c railway were erected in the Victorian era, now disused. One is left abandoned near Fenchurch Street station (complete with original ‘ghost’ signage) but was sadly demolished sometime between 2014-15 on the site…

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By Liam Heatherson

Imperial War Museum

To commence Beyond the Point’s coverage of the First World War Centenary, in partnership with the Imperial War Museum, we thought we would visit the museum itself. The museum itself spans Duxford, North London, Cardiff, the HMS Belfast, and the Churchill War Museums, which I must say is a clever way of housing locations themselves…

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By Liam Heatherson

Secrets of Lakeside Shopping Centre

Pictured above is the planned lake hotel artist’s impression, original pre-2005 Lakeside logo, the new Intu facade c.2013, and construction of the centre c.1993. Although this article is a dramatic change to the usual content of Beyond the Point, I hope it will be of interest. Whilst not necessarily of historic focus, this article will investigate…

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